Onderzoek naar insuline-actie en de toekomst van diabetesbehandeling: de Banting-medaille van 2017 voor wetenschappelijke prestatiecollege.

Diabetes is toe te schrijven aan gemengde afwijkingen in de insulineproductie en beweging. De pathofysiologie van deze defecten is uitgebreid bestudeerd en redelijkerwijs begrepen.

Hun oorzaken zijn ongrijpbaar en hun manifestaties zijn pleiotroop, waarschijnlijk als gevolg van het drievoudige risico van genen, omgeving en levensstijl. Behandelaars brengen, zodra ze zich beperken tot monotherapie met secretagogen of insuline, nu geavanceerde mengsels van kostbare behandelingen die de ontwikkeling afremmen, maar die in wezen de onderliggende oorzaken van de ziekte niet veranderen.

Naarmate de vooruitgang in ons begrip van insulinebeweging en β-celfalen een essentieel stadium bereikt, put ik hier uit lessen die zijn gerealiseerd uit onze analyse van insulineregulatie van genexpressie en pancreatische β-celdifferentiatie om de vraag af te handelen van hoe we deze spannende biologie zullen vertalen in op mechanismen gebaseerde interventies om het beloop van diabetes om te keren.

 Insulin Action Research and the Future of Diabetes Treatment: The 2017 Banting Medal for Scientific Achievement Lecture.
Insulin Action Research and the Future of Diabetes Treatment: The 2017 Banting Medal for Scientific Achievement Lecture.

Analyse van diabetes mellitus-determinanten in Indonesië: een onderzoek uit het Indonesische basisgezondheidsonderzoek 2013.

ACHTERGROND diabetes mellitus is een stille moordenaar. De prevalentie en indruk op welzijnsrekeningen nemen toe van 12 maanden tot 12 maanden.

Dit onderzoekt doelen om de eigenschappen en de bedreigingscomponenten te analyseren die een effect hebben op diabetes mellitus in Indonesië. METHODE Dit is een cross-sectioneel onderzoek. Gegevens zijn verkregen uit het Basisgezondheidsonderzoek (RISKESDAS) in 2013.

De monsters zijn mensen van ≥15 jaar oud, bij wie de nuchtere bloedglucose en 2 uur bloedglucose na het opleggen zijn gemeten. Voor dit onderzoek zijn 38.052 personen gekozen. De variabelen leeftijd, geslachtsgemeenschap, burgerlijke staat, scholingsstadium, beroepsstatus, woonruimte, regionale status, hypertensie, gewichtsproblemen, rookgedrag en dyslipidemie worden geanalyseerd als bedreigingscomponenten voor diabetes mellitus.

Human Type 2 Diabetes PB

ABC-TC4312 1 pack Ask for price
Description: Non-RI dependent diabetes, or Type 2 Diabetes, is characterized by hyperglycemia that is caused by a combination of RI resistance and the body's inability to compensate by producing more RI.

Linearity FD Special Diabetes

K889M-5 5 x 2 mL
EUR 374

Diabetes (Type 1) Exosome RNA

P241-DB1 - Ask for price

Diabetes (Type 2) Exosome RNA

P241-DB2 - Ask for price

Human Type 1 Diabetes Leukopak

ABC-TC4310 1 pack Ask for price
Description: RI dependent diabetes, or Type 1 Diabetes is caused by the pancreas producing little to no RI.

Human Type 2 Diabetes Leukopak

ABC-TC4311 1 pack Ask for price
Description: Non-RI dependent diabetes, or Type 2 Diabetes, is characterized by hyperglycemia that is caused by a combination of RI resistance and the body's s inability to compensate by producing more RI.

Single Donor Human Diabetes Serum

EUR 209
Description: Single Donor Human Diabetes Serum

Human Diabetes Lung Tissue Lysate

EUR 1413
Description: Human Diabetes Lung Tissue Lysate

Human Diabetes Lung Tissue Lysate

MBS8414460-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 1810

Human Diabetes Lung Tissue Lysate

MBS8414460-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 7965

Single Donor Human Diabetes Serum

MBS8421607-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Human Diabetes Ileum Tissue Lysate

EUR 1413
Description: Human Diabetes Ileum Tissue Lysate

Human Diabetes Colon Tissue Lysate

EUR 1413
Description: Human Diabetes Colon Tissue Lysate

Single Donor Human Diabetes Plasma

EUR 209
Description: Single Donor Human Diabetes Plasma

Human Diabetes Colon Tissue Lysate

MBS139594-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 1810

Human Diabetes Colon Tissue Lysate

MBS139594-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 7965

Human Diabetes Ileum Tissue Lysate

MBS8413586-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 1810

Human Diabetes Ileum Tissue Lysate

MBS8413586-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 7965

Single Donor Human Diabetes Plasma

MBS8421060-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Human Type I Diabetes PB Plasma

ABC-TC4264 1 vial Ask for price
Description: Type I Diabetes peripheral blood plasma is obtained by centrifugation of the Type I Diabetes PB. This product has a diminished number of cells and platelets. Fresh Diabetic Type I PB plasma is available upon request.

Human Type II Diabetes PB Plasma

ABC-TC4266 1 vial Ask for price
Description: Type II Diabetes peripheral blood plasma is obtained by centrifugation of the Type II Diabetes PB. This product has a diminished number of cells and platelets. Fresh Diabetic Type II PB plasma is available upon request.

Human Diabetes Jejunum Tissue Lysate

EUR 1413
Description: Human Diabetes Jejunum Tissue Lysate

Human Diabetes Stomach Tissue Lysate

EUR 1413
Description: Human Diabetes Stomach Tissue Lysate

Human Diabetes Stomach Tissue Lysate

MBS8420033-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 1810

Human Diabetes Stomach Tissue Lysate

MBS8420033-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 7965

Human Diabetes Jejunum Tissue Lysate

MBS8413808-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 1810

Human Diabetes Jejunum Tissue Lysate

MBS8413808-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 7965

Type I Diabetes Serum, Human Donor

MBS170481-1Sample 1Sample
EUR 310

Type I Diabetes Serum, Human Donor

MBS170481-5Samples 5Samples
EUR 960

Type I Diabetes Serum, Human Donor

MBS170481-5x5Samples 5x5Samples
EUR 4110

Type II Diabetes Serum, Human Donor

MBS170482-1Sample 1Sample
EUR 310

Type II Diabetes Serum, Human Donor

MBS170482-5Samples 5Samples
EUR 960

Type II Diabetes Serum, Human Donor

MBS170482-5x5Samples 5x5Samples
EUR 4110

Human Diabetes Duodenum Tissue Lysate

EUR 1413
Description: Human Diabetes Duodenum Tissue Lysate

Human Diabetes Pancreas Tissue Lysate

EUR 1413
Description: Human Diabetes Pancreas Tissue Lysate

Human Diabetes Pancreas Tissue Lysate

MBS8416917-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 1810

Human Diabetes Pancreas Tissue Lysate

MBS8416917-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 7965

Human Diabetes Duodenum Tissue Lysate

MBS8410767-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 1810

Human Diabetes Duodenum Tissue Lysate

MBS8410767-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 7965

Human Diabetes Esophagus Tissue Lysate

EUR 1413
Description: Human Diabetes Esophagus Tissue Lysate

Human Diabetes Esophagus Tissue Lysate

MBS8411234-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 1810

Human Diabetes Esophagus Tissue Lysate

MBS8411234-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 7965

Plasma - Type II Diabetes - Human Patient

MBS170491-1Sample 1Sample
EUR 310

Plasma - Type II Diabetes - Human Patient

MBS170491-5Samples 5Samples
EUR 1005

Plasma - Type II Diabetes - Human Patient

MBS170491-5x5Samples 5x5Samples
EUR 4310

Human iPS Cell Line (Type 2 Diabetes)

CSC-00849L One Frozen vial Ask for price

Plasma - Type I Diabetes - Patient Sample

MBS170490-1Sample 1Sample
EUR 310

Plasma - Type I Diabetes - Patient Sample

MBS170490-5Samples 5Samples
EUR 1005

Plasma - Type I Diabetes - Patient Sample

MBS170490-5x5Samples 5x5Samples
EUR 4310

Human Muscle Myoblasts, Diabetes Type I

ABC-TC3956 1 vial Ask for price
Description: Diabetic Type I and Type II HSMM-Human Skeletal Muscle Myoblasts are isolated from donors diagnosed with either Diabetes Type I or Diabetes Type II. Additional donor information is available by contacting Scientific Support.

Human Muscle Myoblasts, Diabetes Type II

ABC-TC3957 1 vial Ask for price
Description: Diabetic Type I and Type II HSMM-Human Skeletal Muscle Myoblasts are isolated from donors diagnosed with either Diabetes Type I or Diabetes Type II. Additional donor information is available by contacting Scientific Support.

Single Donor HumanType I Diabetes Semen

EUR 842
Description: Single Donor HumanType I Diabetes Semen

Single Donor HumanType I Diabetes Semen

MBS8421310-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Human Diabetes AdiposeVisceral Tissue Lysate

EUR 2663
Description: Human Diabetes AdiposeVisceral Tissue Lysate

Human Diabetes AdiposeVisceral Tissue Lysate

MBS136954-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 3320

Human Diabetes AdiposeVisceral Tissue Lysate

MBS136954-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 14765

Single Donor Human Type II Diabetes Semen

EUR 842
Description: Single Donor Human Type II Diabetes Semen

Single Donor Human Type I Diabetes Urine

EUR 1063
Description: Single Donor Human Type I Diabetes Urine

Single Donor Human Type I Diabetes Urine

EUR 439
Description: Single Donor Human Type I Diabetes Urine

Single Donor Human Type II Diabetes Urine

EUR 1063
Description: Single Donor Human Type II Diabetes Urine

Single Donor Human Type II Diabetes Urine

EUR 439
Description: Single Donor Human Type II Diabetes Urine

Semen, Single Human Donor - Type II Diabetes

MBS173503-1Sample 1Sample
EUR 815

Semen, Single Human Donor - Type II Diabetes

MBS173503-5x1Sample 5x1Sample
EUR 3455

Single Donor Human Type II Diabetes Semen

MBS8421302-1mL 1mL
EUR 1045

Single Donor Human Type II Diabetes Semen

MBS8421302-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 4460

Single Donor Human Type I Diabetes Urine

MBS8421330-250mL 250mL
EUR 1285

Single Donor Human Type I Diabetes Urine

MBS8421330-50mL 50mL
EUR 595

Single Donor Human Type I Diabetes Urine

MBS8421330-5x250mL 5x250mL
EUR 5540

Single Donor Human Type II Diabetes Urine

MBS8421331-250mL 250mL
EUR 1285

Single Donor Human Type II Diabetes Urine

MBS8421331-50mL 50mL
EUR 595

Single Donor Human Type II Diabetes Urine

MBS8421331-5x250mL 5x250mL
EUR 5540

Human Diabetes Skeletal Muscle Tissue Lysate

EUR 1413
Description: Human Diabetes Skeletal Muscle Tissue Lysate

Human Diabetes Skeletal Muscle Tissue Lysate

MBS8419496-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 1810

Human Diabetes Skeletal Muscle Tissue Lysate

MBS8419496-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 7965

Human Diabetes AdiposeSubcutaneous Tissue Lysate

EUR 2663
Description: Human Diabetes AdiposeSubcutaneous Tissue Lysate

Human Diabetes AdiposeSubcutaneous Tissue Lysate

MBS136950-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 3320

Human Diabetes AdiposeSubcutaneous Tissue Lysate

MBS136950-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 14765

HighQC™ Human IPS Cell (Type 2 Diabetes)

ABC-SC0005T 1 vial Ask for price
Description: Induced Pluriopotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) are a type of pluripotent stem cells that can be derived directly from adult somatic cells . The derived iPSCs can propagate indefinitely, as well as give rise to other cell types in the body. iPS cells, thus, hold great promise in the field of regenerative medicine by representing a single source of cells that could be used to replace those damaged/diseased cells.

Diabetes Drug Leads Bioactive Peptide Library

L-012 160 peptides
EUR 7938

Whole Blood - Type I Diabetes - Patient Sample

MBS170486-1Sample 1Sample
EUR 310

Whole Blood - Type I Diabetes - Patient Sample

MBS170486-5x1Sample 5x1Sample
EUR 4310

Whole Blood - Type II Diabetes - Patient Sample

MBS170487-1Sample 1Sample
EUR 310

Whole Blood - Type II Diabetes - Patient Sample

MBS170487-5x1Sample 5x1Sample
EUR 4310

Preadipocytes, visc 1M cells, Diabetes Type I

LOPT-5023 each
EUR 1155.54

Preadipocytes, visc 1M cells, Diabetes Type II

LOPT-5024 each
EUR 1155.54

Preadipocytes, subcu 1M cells, Diabetes Type I

LOPT-5021 each
EUR 782.64

Preadipocytes, subcu 1M cells, Diabetes Type II

LOPT-5022 each
EUR 782.64

Human Diabetes Pancreas Lysate Membrane Fraction

EUR 1199
Description: Human Diabetes Pancreas Lysate Membrane Fraction

Human Diabetes Pancreas Lysate Membrane Fraction

MBS8416918-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 1550

Human Diabetes Pancreas Lysate Membrane Fraction

MBS8416918-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 6780

Linearity FLQ Special Diabetes for Roche Systems

K929M-5 5 x 2 mL
EUR 374

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Eye (Frozen)

MBS640656-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 930

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Eye (Frozen)

MBS640656-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 3955

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Lung

MBS657041-1mg 1mg
EUR 820

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Lung

MBS657041-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 3470

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Skin

MBS657133-1mg 1mg
EUR 820

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Skin

MBS657133-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 3470

Linearity FLQ Special Diabetes for Abbott Systems

K956M-5 5 x 2 mL
EUR 374

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Lung (Frozen)

MBS640535-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 755

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Lung (Frozen)

MBS640535-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 3170

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Skin (Frozen)

MBS640139-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 755

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Skin (Frozen)

MBS640139-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 3170

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Brain

MBS657014-1mg 1mg
EUR 820

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Brain

MBS657014-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 3470

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Liver

MBS657060-1mg 1mg
EUR 820

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Liver

MBS657060-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 3470

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Colon

MBS657406-1mg 1mg
EUR 820

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Colon

MBS657406-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 3470

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Heart

MBS657486-1mg 1mg
EUR 820

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Heart

MBS657486-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 3470

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Colon (Frozen)

MBS640835-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 755

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Colon (Frozen)

MBS640835-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 3170

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Brain (Frozen)

MBS640760-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 755

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Brain (Frozen)

MBS640760-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 3170

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Heart (Frozen)

MBS640578-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 755

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Heart (Frozen)

MBS640578-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 3170

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Liver (Frozen)

MBS640704-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 755

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Liver (Frozen)

MBS640704-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 3170

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Spleen

MBS657230-1mg 1mg
EUR 820

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Spleen

MBS657230-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 3470

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Kidney

MBS657520-1mg 1mg
EUR 820

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Kidney

MBS657520-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 3470

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Lung (Paraffin)

MBS640452-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 510

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Lung (Paraffin)

MBS640452-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 2145

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Kidney (Frozen)

MBS639978-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 755

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Kidney (Frozen)

MBS639978-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 3170

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Spleen (Frozen)

MBS640944-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 755

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Spleen (Frozen)

MBS640944-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 3170

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Adrenal

MBS657074-1mg 1mg
EUR 820

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Adrenal

MBS657074-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 3470

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Stomach

MBS657368-1mg 1mg
EUR 820

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Stomach

MBS657368-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 3470

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Colon (Paraffin)

MBS640373-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 510

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Colon (Paraffin)

MBS640373-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 2145

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Adrenal (Frozen)

MBS640239-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 755

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Adrenal (Frozen)

MBS640239-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 3170

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Liver (Paraffin)

MBS640786-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 510

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Liver (Paraffin)

MBS640786-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 2145

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Stomach (Frozen)

MBS640568-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 755

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Stomach (Frozen)

MBS640568-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 3170

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Pancreas

MBS657129-1mg 1mg
EUR 820

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Pancreas

MBS657129-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 3470

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Pancreas (Frozen)

MBS640252-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 755

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Pancreas (Frozen)

MBS640252-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 3170

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Esophagus

MBS657305-1mg 1mg
EUR 820

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Esophagus

MBS657305-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 3470

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Stomach (Paraffin)

MBS640658-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 510

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Stomach (Paraffin)

MBS640658-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 2145

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Esophagus (Frozen)

MBS640725-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 755

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Esophagus (Frozen)

MBS640725-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 3170

Human Diabetes Skeletal Muscle Lysate Membrane Fraction

EUR 1199
Description: Human Diabetes Skeletal Muscle Lysate Membrane Fraction

Tissue, Membrane Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Pancreas

MBS639798-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 695

Tissue, Membrane Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Pancreas

MBS639798-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2915

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Pancreas (Paraffin)

MBS639953-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 510

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Pancreas (Paraffin)

MBS639953-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 2145

Human Diabetes Skeletal Muscle Lysate Membrane Fraction

MBS8419497-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 1550

Human Diabetes Skeletal Muscle Lysate Membrane Fraction

MBS8419497-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 6780

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Whole Eye

MBS657222-1mg 1mg
EUR 1430

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Disease, Diabetes, Whole Eye

MBS657222-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 6225

Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Diabetes, Esophagus (Paraffin)

MBS640383-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 510

Bij bivariate evaluatie werd gebruikgemaakt van een chi-kwadraattest met een significantiestadium van p <0,05 en een betrouwbaarheidsinterval (BI) van 95%, en een multivariate evaluatie met behulp van een aantal logistische regressiecontroles.

Factoren die diabetes mellitus beïnvloeden, waren leeftijd> 55 jaar (OR = 5,10; 95% BI 4,42 tot 5,89; p <0,001), vrouwelijk (OR = 1,37; 95% BI 1,26 tot 1,49; p <0,001), landelijk (OR = 1,16; 95% BI 1,08 tot 1,26; p <0,001), getrouwd (OR = 1,31; 95% BI 1,07 tot 1,58; p <0,05), werkloos (OR = 1,14; 96% BI 1,05 tot 1,23; p <0,05) gewichtsproblemen (OR = 1,46; 95% BI 1,35 tot 1,58; p <0,001), hypertensie (OR = 1,68; 95% BI 1,55 tot 1,81; p <0,001) en dyslipidemie (OR = 1,53; 95% BI 1,39-1,68 ; P <0,001). CONCLUSIES Maar liefst 13% van de mensen heeft diabetes mellitus in 2013. Leeftijd, geslacht, woonruimte, werkgelegenheidsstatus, gewichtsproblemen, hypertensie en dyslipidemie zijn de bijdragende componenten aan diabetes mellitus.

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